The course promoted by the Arte nel Cuore Academy, is dedicated to artistic and creative development of young people with disabilities from 13 years onwards.

Attendance at each lesson is required: the student who exceeds 30% of absences, the total number of lessons provided for each school year, will be considered unable to overcome the same year, thereby forfeiting the right to participation in the show end of the year.
Every school year is divided into two quarters (october-jennuary/febbrary-april). At the end of the first quarter are expected classes of work open to the public (open class) for each course attended by the student during the quarter, to be considered as a moment of confrontation and personal development and creative and expressive potential of each participant. At the end of the quarter each teacher, with support and supervision of the psycho-pedagogical, compile a summary description of the potential of each student for each area of development, so as to provide parents and families a valuable psycho-pedagogical maturation and growth of their child.
At the end of the second quarter, however, students who have demonstrated good attendance and participation in class, will be admitted to the show year-end, a fundamental moment of expression and play in the relationship between them-self and others, characterized in theater by dancing, singing and music.
For each course the school admission is determined by passing an admission test, in which each student may register after filling out the form filled in all its parts and with attached photos. Following the admission test will produce an outcome of the commission itself, which will be communicated promptly to the person concerned, then the family, by the educational director and the head of the team psycho-pedagogical. If the outcome of the examination is between the coefficient of admission (10) and (24) the student will be declared fit to the frequency of school, if less than (10) is not suitable for the frequency of school, so do not admissible.
In the event that the coefficient of admission appears, greater or equal, the student that has at least 16 years, the committee may be able to report it as suitable for a more conventional path of the Academy, where the same or his family will express interest. The decision of the Board is final and irrevocable.